Tuesday 17 April 2007

Boys are stupid . . . .

Throw rocks at them.

I got wolf whistled at today as I walked past the office next to ours.

Nope, there aren't builders in there (there are some builders outside, but they're very polite and say "good morning"), the offender was a suit-wearing "professional".

Admittedly, I am the only female under 30 in the building, so I guess I'm a bit of a novelty - but seriously? Wolf whistling??? You don't really expect that in the workplace - particularly from someone you regularly bump into in the corridor - its hardly subtle.

But it leads me to wonder - why would he bother? He knows that I can tell it's him, so does he honestly think that whistling at me is gonna make me think "wow, he's both classy and intelligent - maybe I should date him"? (Although if this were true his head would be so far up his own arse that the sound would be pretty muffled anyway)

Or maybe this is the only way he can actually communicate with women - in which case he probably needs some lessons in basic human skills.

Sigh. Why is it that the only ones who are interested are the ones that you want to avoid?

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