Tuesday 24 April 2007

So angry I may scream . . . . . . !

Ok, so my car is sitting outside my house when some chav (I'm assuming!) keys it all down the passenger side.

That's pretty annoying.

I call my insurance people who are very nice, tell me it will all get sorted and I'm very happy.

Then they tell me just before I put down the phone "as you are 21 there's an additional excess of . . . . "
"WAIT!" I shout, "actually I'm 22."
"It doesn't matter, from 21-25 you have to pay an additional excess of £250"
"So you've doubled the amount that I have to pay for being the victim of a crime because I'm young." (Well, I didn't really say that bit - but I was thinking it very loudly.)

I understand that being young is a bitch insurance-wise, and maybe (maybe) if I'd crashed my car into a tree whilst speeding I wouldn't have minded. But I'm being charged for being young. I thought the government was taking action against ageism?

Lets face it - as a graduate I'm already £10,000+ in debt. I've got a job which has (just) pushed me over the threshold for starting to pay that back. I'm hardly rolling in the Benjamins! And a £500 quid unexpected payment is hardly a small amount.

Is it really any wonder that people live with their parents for longer?

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Boys are stupid . . . .

Throw rocks at them.

I got wolf whistled at today as I walked past the office next to ours.

Nope, there aren't builders in there (there are some builders outside, but they're very polite and say "good morning"), the offender was a suit-wearing "professional".

Admittedly, I am the only female under 30 in the building, so I guess I'm a bit of a novelty - but seriously? Wolf whistling??? You don't really expect that in the workplace - particularly from someone you regularly bump into in the corridor - its hardly subtle.

But it leads me to wonder - why would he bother? He knows that I can tell it's him, so does he honestly think that whistling at me is gonna make me think "wow, he's both classy and intelligent - maybe I should date him"? (Although if this were true his head would be so far up his own arse that the sound would be pretty muffled anyway)

Or maybe this is the only way he can actually communicate with women - in which case he probably needs some lessons in basic human skills.

Sigh. Why is it that the only ones who are interested are the ones that you want to avoid?

Monday 16 April 2007

Anything Matt can do . . . . .

Right! My descent into the abyss of all things geeky is now totally complete! Mwah hahaha!

I think I've now ticked all my geek boxes,
love of Star Wars (not episode 1) - check
knowledge of 80s cartoons - check
ability to do algebra - check
obsession with McFly - check
having blog and own website - check

Yes I am officially a geek on every single level from kitsch through techy and down to just plain tragic!

Its so much fun being a loser!